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Perth Skin Clinic helping you achieve skin confidence!
Skin Analysis Southern River, Perth. Canning Vale Facial Treatments. Piara Waters Anti-Ageing Treatments

Skin Analysis Perth

How well do you know your skin?

O'Hara Skin & Body Clinic is serious about skin and serious about results. We want you to enjoy how treatments and products feel, but more importantly, we want to help you love the skin you're in and achieve healthy skin for life. We can assist you with age prevention, but we can also REVERSE DAMAGE THAT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED!

How do we do this?

Using cosmedical and cosmeceutical skin care products and equipment that use state-of-the-art technology. Getting the desired results starts with a professional skin analysis by our highly trained and qualified skin therapists. To successfully treat a skin condition, we must fully understand the skin. This cannot be done with the naked eye or magnifying lamps; we need to look beyond the skin's surface to take the guesswork out of skin prescriptions.

MoreMe AI

A must for EVERYONE! A one-on-one in-depth skin analysis using The MoreMe AI. This one-of-a-kind skin analyser uses light to penetrate a few millimetres of the skin, and the device reads tissue structures like oil glands, collagen, and elastin. Includes a personalised treatment plan and home care prescription to address your individual needs and goals.

What to expect

Your in-depth analysis begins with a gentle cleanse to remove any residual makeup or dirt from the skin to allow a thorough analysis. We will then perform the analysis using the MoreMe AI device and go through the findings with you. You will then get to relax with a complimentary LED Light Therapy treatment. At the same time, we prepare your comprehensive prescription of homecare and treatment options specifically tailored to your concerns and requirements.

How does it work?

This diagnostic imaging device utilises different lighting techniques to view the different layers, structures and elements of the skin to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Skin Analysis Perth. Dermal Therapy. Southern River Skin Diagnosis. Skin Treatments Canning Vale. MoreMe Skin Analysis. Observ Skin Analysis

WOODS - Woods light highlights the spread of active sebaceous oil gland flow and the depth and extent of inflammation around the gland. It is ideal for recognising melasma and skin hydration

Pigmentation Treatment Perth. Melasma Treatment Southern River. Facial Treatments Canning Vale

BROWN - Brown mode identifies pigment deposits in the deeper layers of the skin to analyse the type of blemish that may be present (e.g. melasma, NFZ, café au lait, senile plaque, seborrheic keratosis).

Treatments for Sensitive Skin Perth. Rosacea Treatment Canning Vale. Sensitive skin products Southern River

SENSITIVITY - In this mode, healthy skin appears pinkish-white, damaged skin appears red. Highlights both permanent (inflammation, acne) and temporary (sun burn) damage.

Skin Analysis Perth. Perth Skin Clinic. Anti-Ageing Treatments. Cosmeceutical Skin Products. Chemical Peels Canning Vale. Skin Needling Southern River

BLACK & WHITE - Uses the UV light that is absorbed by the epidermal melanin to clearly highlight spots just below the skin surface that can result from sun damage.